Pressure Rising (Rhinestone Cowgirls Book 2) Read online

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  “Sure. I’ll just sit here with my handy dandy remote and surf the channels. I haven’t watched sports this much since I was in high school.”

  “Most men wouldn’t complain.” She laughed.

  “I’m not like most men.”

  “That’s the truth.” She sighed. “Okay then, I better go now.” Did he see regret in her expression?

  After she’d gone, and hours later as evening came on, DJ sat in the corner of the couch brooding. He was bored out of his mind. The hands had stopped in and gave him the rundown of the day’s events. They would be back later for the last chores of the day. Nash had called and said he was coming home before expected leaving DJ questioning if Pearl would leave then. He needed her to change his bandages because there’s no way in hell he would ask Nash.

  In all truth, she could leave now. He was recovering from the injury and could even get around better today. But if he had to go through another round of her changing his bandage, he’d probably do something very stupid.

  He laid his head back, closed his eyes and sighed heavily.

  DJ realized he was a workaholic. Always had been, and they were shorthanded here on the land. Just as soon as he slacked off, he got behind and there was a helluva price to pay when it came time to catch up.

  Eventually, sleep enveloped him.

  Chapter Five

  “So you’re the cause for all of the drama.” Pearl stood at the newly installed electrical fence and her heart tugged.

  Pugly looked at her through the slats as if he wanted her to pet him.

  She wanted to dislike the donkey, but when he looked up at her with warm eyes and showing a row of big teeth, how could she?

  Looking around the enclosure and inside the small barn, she found the switch to the electrical current and shut it off. Stepping into the fenced area, Pugly took several steps closer and nuzzled his nose against her palm. Reaching into her pocket, she took out the carrot she brought for him. He munched the veggie.

  “We’re friends now, huh?” she said. “Listen up, fellow, you can’t visit my Charmin. Some circumstances can’t be helped and she is off limits.”

  Pugly grunted.

  “Does this mean we’ll have to kiss and make up also?”

  At the sound of the rich Texas accent, Pearl swirled and her gaze met a pale, twinkling one. “DJ, what are you doing out here?”

  “Maybe I should be asking you that very question.” One thick brow curved.

  “I’m not incapacitated. You’re supposed to be resting your backside.”

  “You didn’t come back until late last night and you were out the door right after breakfast this morning.”

  “Business took a little longer than expected.” She couldn’t tell him she’d felt something for him, an unexplainable emotion that had scared her. She thought it was best to stay as far away from him as possible during her stay. “I’m here to help. I noticed Pugly looked a little lonely.” She rubbed the donkey’s back.

  “He likes affection. He’s a hit with the guests.”

  “Something tells me his owner is too.”

  He smiled. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  “How did you know where to find me?” she asked.

  “One of the hands told me he saw you out here.”

  “Again, you shouldn’t be walking around.” She dug another carrot out of her pocket and gave it to Pugly.

  “I’m only taking a stroll on the property, not running a marathon. Anyway, I was bored out of my mind.” He scrubbed his jaw.

  “Pugly likes carrots.” She laughed.

  “You don’t have a gun hiding anywhere do you? Plying my donkey with treats to make it easier to kill him.”

  She squinted. “I’m not going to kill him. He is kind of cute, in an awkward way.” Pugly grunted. “Oh sorry, Pugly.” His carrot was gone.

  A rumble of thunder made her chest vibrate. Pearl looked up as the dark clouds settled above them. “I think we have a storm coming.” The words were barely out and a huge raindrop came down and splattered her on the forehead. She wiped away the wetness. Then another, and another, until the sky opened up. She was soaked within seconds. Lightening lit the sky and she jumped. She ran from Pugly’s pen, latching the gate.

  “We’re too far from the house. We’re closer to a cabin.” He surprised her by grabbing her hand and leading her toward the edge of the woods.

  “Isn’t someone staying there?” She followed him through the slippery trail, being hammered with drops of rain that stung her exposed skin. A pounding echoed through the trees as dread rushed over her. “Oh no! Is that hail?”

  “Let’s hurry. The cabin’s empty.”

  Although DJ couldn’t run, he kept a steady pace along the path. Pearl could have run ahead, but she found she couldn’t leave him behind. She wasn’t even sure she could run if she had to. His fingers entwined with hers made her heartbeat skip and her knees weak. If she moved too fast, she’d probably land on her face in the dirt.

  They reached the door of the cabin and he pulled a key from his front pocket. “The master key. Good thing I always keep this on me when I’m out on the property.”

  He unlocked the door and pushed it open just as another strike of lightning struck a nearby tree. She squealed and darted into the cabin. The bottom of her boots were slick and she went sliding, straight into DJ’s arms. She lifted her chin, looking into the most amazing eyes she’d ever seen. He didn’t remove his hold on her as he dragged his hat off his head. Drops of water dripped from the ends of his hair, spilling onto his face and shoulders. Their breaths mingled as she planted her hands on his chest, meaning to push away, but instead enjoying the feel of his iron-hard muscles underneath her trembling fingers.

  Pearl could do nothing but stand there, gazing up at him and wishing he’d just kiss her. But he stood frozen.

  She wanted to say something, but she couldn’t speak. How had he managed to make her so crazy about him? She’d always been a little crazy over him, she guessed. What a surprise this all turned out to be.

  He slipped his arms around her waist. She didn’t resist as he pulled her against the hard plains of his stomach and hips. His fingers pressed her spine, just above her bottom. He continued to stare into her eyes, mesmerizing her. “You found it in yourself to forgive Pugly. How about forgiving his owner?” His tone soothed her.

  She smiled. Her gaze naturally fell to his lips. Full and kissable. A naughty smirk made one corner of his mouth lift. She could get used to this, being held by a sexy cowboy.

  Slowly lowering her hands along the toned muscles of his biceps, she squeezed. “I think that can be arranged.”

  DJ bent his head back and laughed. “That’s good to hear.” Still holding her, he kicked the door closed with his boot, pulled her further into the room and reached above her shoulder. The lights came on.

  “Wow. This place is beautiful.” Strings of twinkling lights hung from corner to corner of the ceiling. The soft lighting, the rustic decorations, and stone fireplace all seemed fitting for a romantic getaway. The bed was covered in a satin, red comforter with ribbon accents, reminding her of Christmas. If that were the case, DJ would be the best present she’d have received since she was a kid.

  His hand moved from her back and lowered to her bottom. He clasped one cheek and a growl slipped from his lips. He never ceased to amaze her—and she liked it. “You look a tad bit cold, sweetheart.”

  She followed the trail of his gaze and gasped. Her nipples were clearly visible underneath the thin shirt. For the second time in two days, she was giving him a peep show. “Maybe a little.”

  “No worries, darlin’. I’ll have you taken care of in no time at all.” He lifted her off her feet, his hands planted securely on the backs of her thighs and she rested against his chest.

  Squealing, she reached up and grabbed his shoulders. “What are you doing?”

  “Taking care of you.”

  “But you’re going to hurt yourself.” Sh
e got a whiff of spice and soap and her stomach flip-flopped.

  “Not when you’re as light as a feather. I bet you weigh less than a bale of hay.”

  “No, not possible.” But she liked how he made her feel good.

  He strode across the room to the bed and laid her onto the thick, plush comforter. Her body sank into the cloud of material and she ran her hands over the fabric. Only the twinkling lights lit the room and the atmosphere was cozy, sensual. If she didn’t know any better, she’d question if he’d planned all of this—even had a hand from Mother Nature to bring on a downpour. But no, he just had great timing, and she wasn’t in the mood to argue.

  He left her and she inwardly moaned.

  She propped herself on elbow and watched him move toward the fireplace. His tight ass in the worn jeans looked nice and tight, and she licked her lips. He shot a glance at her over his shoulder and she darted her tongue back into her mouth. He bent close to the stone hearth, grabbed kindling from the pile in the nearby basket and placed a neat stack in the cove. Within minutes he had a fire started. The room immediately warmed.

  “You’re a pro at building a fire,” she said as he came back to the bed.

  “I’ve had lots of experience.” He climbed next to her, stretching out beside her. His face was within inches and she could see a slight bump on the bridge of his nose.

  Without thinking, she reached up and rolled the tip of her finger along the imperfection. “You’ve had your nose broken.”


  “I didn’t notice before.” She swallowed against the sudden constriction in her throat.

  “It’s pretty noticeable.”

  She couldn’t admit she’d never gotten past his beautiful eyes.

  “It doesn’t lessen or change your looks.”

  “Thank you. I’m not a betting man, but I think if I kiss you, I won’t hear any complaints.”

  The apex of her thighs quivered. How was it he could turn her on so easily? She’d never been a liar and she most certainly wouldn’t start now. “No, I wouldn’t.”

  He moved forward and she laid flat as he slid above her, propping his elbows on either side of her. He hovered close, his breath warm and smelling of mint. His eyes locked with hers, his irises darkened. “I don’t think I can ever remember wanting a kiss so badly in my life.”

  She smiled and licked her lips. “Me either.”

  He pressed his lips to hers. Wave after wave of heat rolled through her as her body came alive. She squeezed his broad shoulders as he groaned deep.

  The kiss was gentle, and when she thought he would pull back, he moaned again and this time he parted her lips with his tongue.

  All hell broke loose inside of her as he rolled the tip of his tongue along the inside of her mouth. His fingers threaded through her damp hair, tangling in the mass, lifting her head at a perfect angle so he could reach deeper.

  He tasted good. He felt even better. The scent of his soap and the clean fragrance of rain mingled underneath her nose, making her nipples tight.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, dragging him closer, pressing her breasts against his hard chest.

  His teeth nibbled at one corner of her mouth, scraping gently along the curve of her bottom lip. A vision of him nibbling her pussy lips made her scorch with heat and a strong desire to be one with him washed through her. Her core ached for fiery release.

  All trepidation faded from her.

  His kiss slowed and he pulled back. She whimpered in disappointment and opened her eyes. His gaze was filled with longing and she wanted him right then and there, not caring that earlier that week she could have wrung his neck.

  “Darlin’, I don’t think one kiss will be enough.”

  A hot shiver raced across her flesh. “No?”

  “Uh-uh.” His eyes turned a shade darker and he sucked in a deep breath.

  “Where are we headed here, DJ?”

  “I have plans to lick every part of your delectable body. Is that a problem?”

  She couldn’t have turned him down if her life depended on it. She unfastened the top button of his shirt, then another. “I like that idea.”

  He smoothed his hands along her bare leg to the top of one cowgirl boot and pulled it off her foot. He gave it a toss and it landed with a thump to the floor. Then he removed the other. “You’re making me crazy, woman.”

  Undoing the rest of his buttons, her mouth watered at the sight of his bare chest and flat stomach. “God, I’ve never seen a better body.”

  He chuckled and it vibrated his chest. “I don’t think I’ve ever been more flattered.” His eyes twinkled.

  She tugged his shirttail from his jeans and helped him slip the material from his shoulders. He had nice, large shoulders that could carry a lot of weight. “Is there any part of you that isn’t toned?”

  “Well, you haven’t seen all of me yet, sweetheart.” He smoothed the back of his knuckles along her cheek.

  “I’ve seen this part.” She squeezed his ass, careful not to hurt his wounded cheek. “That’s definitely in shape. About the only thing I haven’t seen is buried deep in those jeans, and from the looks of that bulge, I don’t think I’ll be a disappointed woman.”

  He sucked in a breath. “Are you sure you want this?”

  “I not only want it, I’m craving it.” She moistened her lips. “It’s been a long time for me, DJ. I hope I can satisfy you.”

  He blinked. “Darlin’, I’m satisfied just looking at you. Trust me, neither of us will have a problem.” He tucked a tendril of her hair behind her ear. “How long has it been?”

  “Too long,” she whimpered.

  “I don’t want to make you feel like this is all I want. We don’t have to—”

  She covered his mouth with her finger. “Don’t, DJ. I want this. I’ve been waiting a long time to feel this way.”

  “I’m privileged to break the dry spell.” He winked. “I’ll take very good care of you, sweetheart.” He nuzzled his nose against her cheek.

  She scraped her nails down his back. “How fast can we get the rest of the clothes off your body?” She couldn’t wait to see his goodies.

  He stood up and slipped out of his boots. Then he undid the buckle and belt, sliding his zipper down. She sat up and helped him drag his jeans off his lean hips. He stepped out of them. She took in the erect length of his cock, the purple head and the drop of pre-cum glistening at the tip. “Wow…I knew I wouldn’t be dissatisfied.”

  “Your turn.” His voice was throaty and thick. “I love how you wear dresses.”

  He didn’t wait for her. He tugged at the straps, sliding it off her shoulders, dragging it down her arms, tugging the material over her breasts, hips, and legs. She tossed it with her toes. He brought his fingers back to her panties and traced the elastic along her hips. He spread his hand wide across her stomach. “You’re so soft.”

  His calloused palms made every hair of her body stand upright. Her pussy quivered.

  He ticked his gaze over her. “Love the silk and lace.” He skimmed his fingers over her panties. “Purple’s my favorite color now.” One corner of his mouth lifted.

  Her nipples puckered and chills raced through her. He bent close, placing his hands on either side of her hips. The mattress sank under his weight and she slid on the comforter but he kept her from going far. Needing something to hold on to while the waves crashed over her, she threaded her fingers through his still damp hat hair, fluffing the soft, ebony locks. How could a rugged cowboy be so tender? And something she’d never guessed—he was also a true gentleman.

  As he leaned closer, he buried his mouth against hers pushing her back into the satin. He tucked one arm up under her, holding her tight against his body—skin against skin—and she’d never felt anything more pleasurable. His cock rubbed her inner thighs, the crisp hair prickling her sensitive flesh.

  She traced the line of his lips with her tongue and lapped up his sweetness. His tongue tickled the roof of her mout
h and the inside walls. Her throat tightened, her breathing labored.

  He did crazy things to her body. Jittery and fuzzy things. She brought her hips higher and rubbed his shaft. She was ready.

  “Not so fast, baby,” he whispered against her lips.

  She sank her nails into his back, holding him close. “I want you.”

  “You say that and you’re making it hard for me to take my time.” He lowered his mouth and slid his tongue along her neck to her collarbone. He nipped at the skin and planted moist kisses. Slowly, he made his way downward, dragging his mouth and teeth across her tingling flesh, sampling as he went.

  She arched her back as a warm sensation burst between her legs. Her pussy was throbbing with wet need. Desire swirled inside of her chest and puddled in her belly.

  He hooked the material of her bra with one finger and tugged it to the side. He traced one pert nipple with his tongue, then suckled the puffy mound until the cherry red nub stood thick and wet from his kiss.

  “You taste so good, and I haven’t even gotten to the best part.” His breath heated her skin.

  “I’m on fire.” She buried her fingers in his hair. Her blood raced.

  He suckled her other breast through the thin fabric. She tipped her head and a moan escaped her lips.

  “You’re breasts are beautiful.”

  “Thank. You.”

  He moved lower, but kept his hands on her breasts, kneading the mounds and sliding his thumbs across the nipples. Contractions started in her pussy—a slight, gentle throbbing that warned an orgasm wasn’t far away.

  He reached behind her and unfastened the clip of the bra. The material loosened and he tugged it away. The cooler air sent tingles settling around her nipples.

  Her heart thudded, beating like a rock song against her rib cage. How could one man have so much power over her emotions?

  He traced each nipple with the pad of his finger as if delighting in the response of her pert buds and quivering body. “You have sensitive breasts. I bet I could almost bring you to release by licking them.”

  She groaned and bucked her hips.